Monday, July 13, 2009


This is a very powerful idea that we must fully understand. It could be turned around and said that A POSITIVE MIND SPAWNS ONLY POSITIVE IDEAS. It is like the glass is half full concept to me. The mind is such an amazing gift that we have be given in our lives. The thoughts that we think with our mind are the only thing that we can really have control over. They are so powerful and drive our actions and create the life we see and live in every moment. When I reflect on this, I think about how infleuntial the environment where and people who we spend the most time with. Recently Eric Worre from Network Marketing Pro, had a great video where he talked about the influence of people that he called The Law of Association. He mentions that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. I would like to extend this to include also the 5 places we spend the most time in as well. Today I am taking inventory the people and environment and comparing it to the life that I want to create. Charting the course of change and moving forward. Join me in this and we can all move ahead together. Thanks for being along for the journey with me. I appreciate all of you very much. Your kind words are inspiring and encouraging. Look forward to growing and achieving abundant success in all that we do. Enjoy the thoughts from the great teacher Napolean Hill below. Have a fantastic day!

"It is a physical impossibility for a negative mind to generate positive thoughts. When you allow yourself to dwell on the negative aspects of life, negative thinking expands to fill all of your thoughts until there is no room for positive thoughts to grow. It becomes an endless cycle. The habit of negative thinking generates more and more negative thoughts, which the mind attempts to turn into physical reality. The result is a life of despair and hopelessness. Develop the habit of eliminating negative thoughts the moment they appear. Start small at first. When you first hear that inner voice that says, "I can’t do this," put the thought out of your mind immediately. Instead, concentrate on the task itself. Break it down into manageable parts and complete them one at a time. When the job is finished, tell your doubting self: "You were wrong. I could do it, and I did!""~Napolean Hill

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